German Roach
When you see one German cockroach, there are typically hundreds unseen. This roach has reproduction down to a science. Their numbers can quickly escalate out of control. Infestation requires more than one service to control. They can be found anywhere, inside microwaves, clocks, telephones, stoves, pictures, crevices, stereos, cabinets, closets, toys, etc.
These roaches are often found in residential and commercial buildings near food and water sources. German roaches are small and light brown to dark brown in color. It isn’t common for them to live outdoors but if it is warm enough, they can. They are well-known for being hitchhikers, migrating in or on anything they can. They are not picky when it comes to food and will even eat glue, toothpaste, and soap.
To prevent roaches in your home, remove as much moisture as possible and keep the inside and outside clean. If you take away their food and water sources, they will not be able to survive in your home. You can also seal up any small cracks in your windows, doors, and walls to help prevent infestation.
When should you get treatment?